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Nice Sweep in Denver, CO!

Entered for 3 days out of 4 at the Denver shows, Quinn (BISS GCH Aces-Up You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet) took Best of Breed all 3 days.


In the meantime, Crimson won 2 straight Winners Bitch to finish her championship. She also won Bred By G2 and G4 both days.


New Champion, Crimson!

At our first dog show in 2025, Denver CO, Crimson won 2 straight Winners Bitch to finish her championship! We kept her in the class to keep the point for other exhibitors. She also took Bred By G2 and G4 both days.


Although Crimson was still recovering from her shoulder injury from the Orlando trip, she certainly tried hard to get the job done!


The 10th champion (AKC Pending) bred by Aces-Up -

CH Aces-Up I'm Not Shy with Kyodai aka Crimson

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